Sunday, July 10, 2011

Apparently I blog in spurts...

I can't believe it's been almost a year since I blogged last. And I see that my last post was right before I went on my yearly vacation to the Black Hills, SD. Where am I now? Yep, same place. Vacation in the Hills provides me with the most free time. Free time = movies, books, TV shows, and motivation for blogging. :-)

Life has been busy for me. Since I posted last, I have graduated with my masters in Social Work (go me!) and I landed a therapy job. I've worked at the same hospital for 3 years, and now I've moved up from tech to therapist. Feels good to use my degree and get paid more! Yay!

Of course, I have been reading and watching movies and TV for the past year too, when time and energy let me. It will be overwhelming to try and cover everything I've seen, but I can touch on the main cool stuff. Let's start with last summer's reading list. I actually read three of the books I posted about last time:

This was the sequel to Wings. I did not like it as much as its predecessor. Spells was not as fast-paced. I thought the story didn't move along quite like the first book did. The prose was still very pretty and enchanting, but I wasn't as thrilled with it. I'm hoping the third book in the series is better.

Marked & Betrayed
I read the first two novels in the House of Night series. I really enjoyed them, especially the voice of the main character, Zoe. These books actually read like it was written by a teenager--lots of spunk, attitude, and fun. I need to continue the series! Time to borrow from a friend...

Catching Fire
This is the third and final book in the Hunger Games trilogy. What an amazing finish to a thrilling series! Absolutely loved it. Books like Twilight and Marked are fun and fast YA novels, but The Hunger Games is in a whole other category. It's been rated some of the best YA fiction in the past decade.

Right now, I'm in the middle of Beautiful Creatures. Next, I plan on reading Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. :)

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