Sunday, July 4, 2010

Paranormal Activity 2? Yes, please!

Yes, they have made another one! *claps in excitement*

I was pleasantly shocked when I saw the trailer for Paranormal Activity 2 at the theater recently. Scary movies are my faaaaaaaavorite types of movies, and the first Paranormal Activity scared the holy hell out of me. Probably the most scared I've been watching a film since The Blair Witch Project.

Now, these types of movies (scary amateur/documentary types made to look authentic) are not everyone's cup of tea. You either love 'em or hate 'em. I have seen a tremendous amount of scary films over the years. Paranormal Activity brought me to the point of covering my eyes and ears, which I NEVER do. I thought I was just about desensitized because of all the blood, guts, ghosts, and devils I've seen in film. Paranormal Activity shocked me and the only thing I kept thinking while sitting through it was, "When is this going to end??!?"

Being scared in a movie is fun for me. You have to admit, Paranormal Activity was a pretty unique film. I loved reading about how it was made and the experience the actors had making it.

Now, here is the trailer for Paranormal Activity 2. Prepare yourselves:

Crazy!!! Watchers of this trailer have debated whether or not the girl standing in the bathroon doorway at the end of the trailer is Katie from the first film. I think it's unlikely. My opinion is that the powers-that-be have probably created a whole new story line for this sequel.

Did you notice that both the baby and the dog are missing in that very last shot? So scary!

1 comment:

  1. I wish I was excited for this film. I'm not. I was really really disapointed with the first one and am not generally a fan of horror films. I just wasn't scared at all. Wonder what that says about me. lol.
